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Newlands Spring Primary and Nursery School

Friends of Newlands Spring Primary School (FONS)

Who are FONS?

FONS was formed over 30 years ago as a registered charity (Charity Number: 284873). It is run by a lively and enthusiastic team of parents who are committed to enhancing the experience of all children at our school. Any parent with a child at the school is a friend however the Friends committee is run by parents who are willing to give some of their own time to organise the fund raising activities throughout the year. Some parents stay on the committee for many years whilst others just help out for a year.

What do FONS do?

Committee Meetings

'Lets Work Together'

How have FONS spent the money raised?

Contacting FONS

We are all approachable whether its in the playground, on the FONS Facebook page or by email on fons@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. Messages may also be left at the office to be forwarded to the FONS team..

Any support you can give us will be extremely appreciated.

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